Dekoloniale Stadtführung

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Blogbeiträge & News

Germany announced plans to ban the importation of hunting trophies, a move that specifically targets the activities of German safari hunters. While this may seem like a noble conservation effort on the surface, it sparked a fiery backlash from Botswana’s Wildlife Minister.
The Afro-German experience during Nazi Germany is a story that often remains untold, yet it’s one of profound resilience and courage in the face of unimaginable prejudice and discrimination. One compelling figure who embodies this experience is Theodor Michael Wonja. Born on January 15th, 1925, Theodor’s life tells a poignant story of survival and advocacy amidst the oppressive atmosphere of
Did you know that April 4th is World Mining Day? Mining impacts our daily lives more than we often realize. For instance, 70% of the world’s cobalt is mined in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). This mineral is vital for powering your phone, your laptop, and most of your electronic devices. Without it, the modern technologies we depend on
The T4 Euthanasia Program was a sinister initiative undertaken by the Nazi regime in Germany during the 1930s and 1940s. Named after the address of its headquarters at Tiergartenstraße 4 in Berlin, the program’s primary aim was to systematically exterminate individuals considered mentally or physically handicapped, as well as those with genetic defects.
Nelson Mandela, affectionately known as Madiba, spent 27 years of his life imprisoned for his unwavering commitment to anti-apartheid activism. Emerging from the darkness of incarceration, he became a towering figure in the fight for liberation and equality for Black South Africans. Despite enduring immense personal suffering, Mandela chose not to harbor bitterness or seek revenge.
Celia’s famous catchphrase, “¡Azúcar!” (meaning “sugar”), became synonymous with her persona. This word captured her energetic performances, creative spirit, and enthusiasm for life and music. It became a rallying cry of joy, love, and cultural pride—a fitting representation of her indomitable spirit.

Buchempfehlungen auf Englisch

The Kaiser’s Holocaust: 

Prof. David Olusoga
On 12 May 1883, the German flag was raised on the coast of South-West Africa, modern Namibia – the beginnings of Germany’s African Empire.

Stamped From The Beginning:

Ibram X. Kendi
In this deeply researched and fast-moving narrative, Kendi chronicles the entire story of anti-black racist ideas and their staggering power over the course of American history.

White Rage: 

From the end of the Civil War to our combustible present, an acclaimed historian reframes the conversation about race, chronicling the powerful forces opposed to black progress in America.

Showing Our Colors:

May Ayim, Katharina Oguntoye
Afro-German Women Speak Out is an English translation of the German book Farbe bekennen edited by author May Ayim, Katharina Oguntoye, and Dagmar Schultz.

The Hate U Give

Angie Thomas
Hochaktuell und sprachgewaltig wird hier gegen Rassismus angeschrieben!

Africa Is Not A Country

Dipo Faloyin
A bright portrait of modern Africa that pushes back against harmful stereotypes to tell a more comprehensive story.

Buchempfehlungen auf Deutsch

Schwarz. Deutsch. Weiblich.

Kelly, Natasha A (Dr.)
Die Autorin hinterfragt aus einer Schwarzen feministischen Perspektive eurozentrische Konzepte von Wissen, Macht und Körper.

Deutschland Schwarz Weiß

Noah Sow
In der Schule lernen wir, dass alle Menschen gleich seien. Gleichzeitig lernen wir jedoch »Grundwissen«, das noch aus der Kolonialzeit stammt

Kinder der Befreiung

Marion Kraft
Ursachen und Auswirkungen von Rassismus in der Vergangenheit und Gegenwart werden ausgelotet und Strategien für positive Veränderungen aufgezeigt.

Schwarze Wurzeln

Katharina Oguntoye
Katharina Onguntoye beleuchtet die Lebenssituation von Afrikaner*innen und Afro-Deutschen in Deutschland von 1884 bis 1950.

Deutsch sein und Schwarz dazu

Theodor Michael Wonja
Der Lebensrückblick eines Schwarzen deutschen Zeitzeugen.


Tupoka Ogette
Das Handbuch von Tupoka Ogette, um die Entstehung, Strukturen und Wirkungsweisen von Rassismus in Deutschland zu verstehen.

Empfohlene Dokus

Audioguide Touren in Berlin

Coming soon…

deSta in der Presse

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Historische Stadtführung: Berlins Afrikanisches Viertel

Julian Hilgers
ZDF heute

Afrikanische Geschichte in Berlin

Sarah Danquah

‘Hidden in plain sight’: the European city tours of slavery and colonialism

Ashifa Kassam
Berliner Zeitung

„Dauerkolonie“ im Afrikanischen Viertel

Maria Häußler

How to pay for genocide

Shola Lawal

Berlinerin Justice Mvemba will als Miss Germany aufklären

Sabine Klier